The Meat ingredients are a valuable part of the human diet as the meat contains essential elements such as meat protein, meat vitamins, and meat minerals. The meat ingredients products types are vulnerable to the microbial meat ingredients pathogens and the meat ingredients spoilage, posing significant risks to the public health and the social meat ingredients quality and safety. The Ionizing radiation method is used in the irradiated meat ingredients to maintain the meat ingredients safety and meat ingredients quality of the consumed meat ingredients products types specifically the beef meat ingredients. During recent decades, the irradiation method of the meat ingredients products reduces the microbial meat contamination and extends the storage period of the meat ingredients. The procedure entails exposing the meat ingredients products types to a regulated amount of the ionizing radiation method, mostly accomplished by applying the gamma rays method, the electron beams method, or the X rays method.. The radiation causes disrupts the DNA and other cellular components of the microbes contaminating the meat ingredients, making the microbes unable to reproduce and causing death of the microbial contamination. The procedure causes breaks down some of the molecules of the meat ingredients which can affect the meat nutritional quality and meat ingredients sensory characters.
Beef Meat Ingredients; DNA; Gamma Rays Method; Meat Ingredients Irradiation Method; Human Health Hazard