Journal of Nutritional Dietetics & Probiotics ISSN: 2640-6624
Research Article
<p>Olive Characteristic Determination of Six Cultivar Candidates for Scratched Green Table Olive Production</p>
Published: 2018-06-21


Variety was reported as most important factor for quality characteristics of table olive.So that researchers indented to develop new high quality olive cultivars. For this purpose Ataturk Central Horticultural Research Institute developed nearly 1500 olive genotypes by crossing Turkish, Spanish and Italian high quality table olive cultivars. 6 olive genotypes were selected as new cultivar candidates for green table olive production by researchers according to their high fruit yield, relatively resistance to disease, large homogeneous green ripening fruits. These 6 green olives were used as material in this study and Domat which extensively produced green table olive cultivar was used to comparison. This research includes harvesting the olives at green maturity, production of scratched green table olive and determination of the physical and chemical characteristics of produced table olives. Size and weight of fruit and seed, water, titratable acidity, pH, tissue hardness, color and oleuropein absorbance (K345) value and salt analysis were applied toevaluate fruits and determine their suitability for scratched green table olive production. Fruit weight and flesh to seed ratio of fresh olives were 5.18-7.65 g and 4.5-6.8 LT011 had highest fruit weight and LT001 had highest flesh to seed ratio. Result of this study showed that LT001 and LT011 had superior characteristics for scratched green table olive production and this research also provided required data forthe new cultivar registration procedure.


Genotype; Oleuropein; Hardness; Domat