Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
How Technology has changed the Way Education is Perceived in the 21st Century and the Importance of Soft Skills to be embedded in the Design the Education
Published: 2024-11-15


I have been deeply interested in studying education as a researcher for more than 2 decades. My journey started when I got involved in ‘Hole in the Wall’ experiments which was based on a new pedagogy namely ‘Self Organized Learning Environments’ (SOLE) and ‘Minimally Invasive Education’. Before, I delve more into this pedagogy, it is important to look back in history to study how ‘education’ evolved over a period of time. It is fascinating to see a complete metamorphosis of the word ‘education’ and how context/environment plays a critical role in shaping it. What seemed relevant ‘then’ is no longer relevant ‘now’.


Self-Regulated Learners; Formal; Traditional; Creativity; Discouragement; Artificial Intelligence; Empathy; Ethical Behaviour