Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Case Report
Angular Cheilitis as Manifestation of the Patient with Hemolytic Anemia
Published: 2024-11-11


Hemolytic anaemia management differs from iron deficiency anaemia, the most common cause of angular cheilitis. Mistakes in the therapy of anaemia can have serious consequences for the patient. Dentists need to be aware of the intra-oral symptoms of hemolytic anaemia to treat the patient appropriately. A 24-year-old woman came to Dental Hospital Jember University because of pain in the corner of her mouth. She has been experiencing these symptoms recurrently since last year. She appeared lethargic and pale, and. Upon examination, several fissures were noted in the corners of her mouth. A complete blood test confirmed a diagnosis of anaemia. Given the high red blood cell distribution width (RDW), we proceeded with a blood smear examination. The microscopic examination resulted in pale, irregularly shaped, and fragmented erythrocytes. We suspected that the patient had hemolytic anaemia. In addition to treating the antifungal infection with miconazole cream in the corners of her mouth, we referred her to a haematologist for further evaluation and management.


Hemolytic Anaemia; Angular Cheilitis; RDW