Simultaneous estimation of Indacaterol and Glycopyrrolate was done simultaneously which is simple, accurate and precise. It was developed with Kromasil C18 with 150x4.6mm, 5 dimensions with 0.1% Ortho phosphor acetate and acetonitrile in the ratio of 55: 45 was pumped through the column at 1.0 ml/min flow rate. Retention time of Indacaterol and Glycopyrrolate was found be 2.319 and 2.830 min respectively. Regression equation of Indacaterol and Glycopyrrolate is y = 21685x + 6734.3, and y = 21025x + 3152.8 respectively. % RSD ofIndacaterol and Glycopyrrolate was 0.8 and 1.1 respectively. % Recovery obtained as 99.68% and 100.058% for Indacaterol and Glycopyrrolate respectively. LOD and LOQ of Indacaterol and Glycopyrrolate are 0.60, 0.23; and 1.82, 0.70 respectively. Retention times were decreased and that run time was decreased, so the method developed was simple and economical that can be adopted in regular quality control test in various industries.
Indacaterol; Glycopyrrolate; RP-HPLC; Method Development; ICH Guidelines; Validation