Open Access Journal of Oncology ISSN: 2689-6168
Case Report
Primary Breast Lymphoma: Tissue is the Issue-A Report of Two Cases
Published: 2024-08-09


Primary lymphomas of the breast are quite uncommon and thus pose significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. They are often mistaken for carcinoma breast. Here we are reporting our experience of two cases of primary breast lymphoma. Fine needle aspiration cytology from the breast lump in the first case showed presence of carcinomatous deposits leading to a diagnosis of carcinoma breast. The subsequent core needle biopsy and immunohistochemistry however confirmed the diagnosis of a Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, thus changing the entire plan of management. In the second patient core needle biopsy was done initially, which revealed Non-Hodgkins lymphomatous deposit. The patient was managed with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, like lymphomas at any other site. Surgery, which is an integral part of treatment in breast carcinoma has practically no role in primary breast lymphoma, thus mastectomy is avoided. This report emphasizes the need of core needle biopsy for planning management in all breast lumps.


Primary Breast Lymphoma; Biopsy of a Breast Lump; Nonsurgical Management of Breast Lump