Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article
Effect of Twill Technique vs Endotracheal Tube Holder on Endotracheal Tube Securement [ETTS] Outcomes among Orally Intubated Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Units
Published: 2024-08-01


Endotracheal intubation is often an emergency procedure that is performed on people who are unconscious or who can’t breathe on their own. Endotracheal Intubation maintains an open airway and helps to prevent suffocation. Once the patient is intubated, maintenance of the endotracheal tube placement is essential. When Endotracheal Tube is not secured, even basic nursing management can cause tube slippage which is a major factor in causing airway trauma.
Aim: To assess the effect of Twill Technique vs Endotracheal Tube Holder on Endotracheal Tube Securement [ETTS] Outcomes among orally intubated patients admitted in ICUs.
Methodology: A post-test only control group design (two experimental groups) was used to assess the effect of Twill Technique vs Endotracheal Tube Holder on Endotracheal Tube Securement [ETTS] Outcomes among orally intubated patients.
Results: The findings revealed that for General Assessment, it was concluded that statistical significant result was found between experimental group1 and experimental group2 (p


Twill Technique; Endotracheal Tube Holder; Endotracheal Tube Securement [ETTS] Outcomes; Orally Intubated Patients