Progress in Aqua Farming and Marine Biology ISSN: 2640-6764
Research Article
Aquaponics as Promising Tool on Rearing Ohrid Lake Trout (Salmo Letnica) for Conserving the Wild Individuals and Generating Incomes
Published: 2018-10-16


In the Ohrid Lake the Ohrid trout (Salmo letnica) is an endemics species, which is not found anywhere else in Albania, FYROM or in other countries world. The fish is symbolic of the lake and of Pogradec, the biggest Albanian city on the lakeshore. The aim of this review is to give a description of potential applications of Aquaponics for the Ohrid trout rearing with the aim of reducing the wild capture fisheries and providing additional incomes to the farmers from the vegetable marketing. Furthermore on this review are presented the future perspectives of this species growing on a sustainable way, while all the region will face water scarcity problems.


Ohrid Lake Trout; Aquaponics; Recirculating Aquaculture System; Abiotic Parameter; Biotic Parameter