Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
Rorschach Test Scoring System: A New Prospective
Published: 2024-07-19


Psychology is the study of behaviour which governs by the brain functions, the criteria to assess the brain activities are very ambiguous. The subject’s personalities are very important variables to assess in psychological guidance and counseling. The projective technique is the best solution to assess it, because it’s culture free and can measure easily of internal attitudes, traits, and behaviour patterns upon the external stimuli. Projective tests are also used, less frequently, to study learning processes. The different techniques are in use to give their subjective response or opinions and beliefs only on questionnaires, two, three or five options. The respondent’s real feelings are then inferred from what he says about himself. Whereas Projective techniques normally reveal their values at subconscious also and individuality. Rorschach test is the best projective method of psychological testing in which a person is asked to describe what he or she sees in 10 inkblots, of which some are black or gray and others have patches of colour. From response scores, the psychologist attempts to describe the subject’s personality and other traits. Interpretation of a subject’s responses is not highly standardized, however, despite the introduction of the Exner scoring system are popular and he also addresses weaknesses in the Rorschach test. The proposed theories of calculation of Rorschach are simple methods which are applicable to all Psychologists to be considered for easy ways to make scoring. This method was applicable to assess neurobehavioral studies in neurotoxins. The variables assessed by this scoring methodologies are, Adaptability, Emotionality, Spontaneity Vs Inhibition, Rational Self- control and Originality of the perception. In addition, the following variables are used that are based on the content analysis of the answers developed by De Vos. The proposed model of scoring is best for screening purposes for any type of personality disorder.


Projective Techniques; Rorschach; Neurobehavioural; Psychological Assessment; Personality; Mental Health