Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Review Article
Chlorhexidine: Still the Antiplaque Agent of Choice in Dentistry
Published: 2024-07-12


For a very long time, chlorhexidine has been regarded as one of the most efficient antibacterial agents in the field of dentistry. As far as the management of plaque is concerned, it is regarded as the gold standard. Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are both susceptible to the effects of this biocide, which has a broad spectrum of activity. Initially, it was intended to be utilized for the purpose of providing patients with a temporary means of reversing gingivitis. When mechanical debridement could not be preformed, CHX is an excellent preventive agent because of its antibacterial qualities. It would appear that CHX mouthwash is more successful than gel in terms of its effectiveness. Any mouthwash with concentrations higher than 0.2% would needlessly enhance the undesirable side effects. It is advised that the concentration of CHX range from 0.12% to 0.2% for therapeutic purposes. This narrative review is to give an in-depth analysis of chlorhexidine, including topics such as its mechanism of action, effectiveness, safety, and therapeutic uses. This article investigates its capacity to lessen the presence of plaque and gingivitis, analyzes the possible adverse effects, and dives into its applicability in a variety of clinical contexts, such as periodontal treatment, implant care, and the prevention of caries. Generally speaking, chlorhexidine continues to be an essential component of oral care regimens, providing doctors with a potent instrument for the treatment of oral disorders.


Antibacterial Agent; Chlorhexidine; Gingivitis