Open Access Journal of Animal & Plant Husbandry ISSN: 3065-694X
Review Article
Advances in the Utilization of Fruit and Vegetable Waste in Livestock Feeding
Published: 2024-06-24


Livestock farming is integral to the sustenance of impoverished farmers, providing economic stability, social well-being, and food security. Fruit and vegetable waste, abundant globally, present an efficient solution as livestock and poultry feed, contributing to food security and mitigating environmental issues associated with disposal. This article elaborate the use of fruit-vegetable waste in livestock feeding. It includes problems related to shortage and supply of conventional feed. To get rid of from this problem, unconventional feeding in livestock production has attained attention of many researchers and this will be very helpful to farmers in economic point of view and nutritional too. In way of feeding, some modification has made in feeding techniques like pelleting, silage making, etc. Advantages regarding vegetable and fruit waste feeding in monogastric animals also helpful. Some advance techniques has reduced the antinutritional factor present in unconventional food. This article will explain all about unconventional feeding in livestock and poultry


Fruit and Vegetable Waste; Livestock Feeding; Farmers; Monogastric Animal; Poultry