Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia ISSN: 2689-6141
Letter to Editor
Double Crush Syndrome: Are we Still Reinventing the Wheel
Published: 2024-06-20


Double Crush Syndrome refers to the coexistence of a proximal and a distal compressive lesion along the course of a nerve whereby the proximal compression makes the distal segment of the nerve vulnerable to an otherwise subclinical compression. In presence of two lesions, it is possible that one of them may get under-addressed because of the over-attention to the one which is readily visible to the eye. On the flip side, over-indulgence with the syndrome may lead to multiple investigations and unnecessary interventions. Notwithstanding, an astute clinician needs to be aware of this entity and plan out his investigations and interventions with rationality and in an algorithmic manner to steer clear off the controversies which are still hounding this clinical syndrome.


Clinical Syndrome; Subclinical Compression; Distal Segment; Algorithmic Manner