Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Case Report
Management and Satisfaction of Copy and Reline Removable Dentures: Two Case Reports
Published: 2024-06-04


Introduction: Copy dentures are a modification of the existing complete dentures that improves the function of the new dentures for a patient. For the removable partial denture, a reline material is sufficient to improve denture retention and stability. Making new dentures could skip a few steps to speed up the delivery of dentures to the patient. With improved impression materials, the clinician can correct minor impairments better. Case report: This clinical report describes two cases: a copy of complete dentures using putty impression and a reline lower removable partial denture using light body impression. The report shares the easy handling of impression materials for each clinic and laboratory procedure. Discussion: A little adjustment of existing dentures has been made for each patient to improve the retention and stability of dentures using the replica technique and wash impression technique. Following the indications of copy dentures, complete dentures were made using the replica technique, and an improvement from the existing denture was compared to the new denture. The relined removable partial dentures using the wash impression technique and alginate impression with the denture in situ provide a straightforward step. Conclusion: The patients were satisfied with esthetics and function after minor adjustments with the replica technique used for complete dentures and the wash impression technique for removable partial dentures.


Copy Dentures; Esthetics; Impression Materials; Patient Satisfaction; Reline Dentures