Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
Effect of Family Involvement (Homely Environment) on a Child on Autism Spectrum Disorder during Social Skills Training: A Narrative Analysis
Published: 2024-05-20


Introduction: Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neuro developmental disorder marked by lack of social skills, repetitive behaviour and difficulty in communication. It affects the way a child learns, communicates and behaves. Early intervention helps the individual and the family in understanding the needs and demands of the spectrum. Each child is unique and planning therapy objectively caters to their unique needs. While there is no single cause identified for autism, research suggests that both genetic and environmental factors do contribute in the development of the child who is on spectrum. Hence the role of family comes into picture and by conducting this research it was evident that a child can learn better when he / she is provided with supportive family set up while undertaking therapy. (Family involvement refers to the prior sensitization of family members of therapist and the child).

Objective: The aim of this study is to discover the role of family involvement in teaching social skills to a child on spectrum.
Research Methodology: Data was collected using case study format as per ICD 10 as the child was diagnosed on the basis of DSM 5. The data along with anecdotes were collected during training sessions over a period of 6 months (Nov’23-Apr’24). Case study, Observations and Interview method were used to collect all the information with regard to the child.
Analysis and Conclusion: The results indicate that there is a positive effect on a child on spectrum when continuously trained or exposed under a homely environment to teach social skills. A noticeable change was seen in the child with improved ability in communicating with others around him. Since ASD is a lifelong condition, hence to ensure that the learned social skills are retained and improved upon, a continuous reinforcement of the imparted skills has to be maintained. This paper explores the various ways in which family dynamics can impact the social skills of children with ASD, highlighting the importance of supportive and understanding family environments in promoting positive outcomes for these individuals.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Social Skills; Communication; Eye Contact; Therapeutic Session; Family Involvement; Home Environment; Continuous Reinforcement; Structured Teaching