Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Conceptual Paper
Feasibility Study to Assess the Effect of Immediate Post-Operative Prosthesis in Patients with Below Knee Amputation following Trauma
Published: 2024-04-23


Background: The concept of immediate post-operative prosthesis (IPOP) is not a new one rather dates back to 1893. To the best of our knowledge and after wide literature review this study which we plan to conduct on post trauma amputee is a unique one in a way that patients will be evaluated for their balance and psychological adjustment after application of IPOP.

Objective: To see the effect of IPOP versus conventional prosthesis on balance, Quality of Life & psychological status in below knee amputation patients following trauma.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial with sample size of 60 patients (30 in each group) with traumatic below knee amputation will be randomized in two groups using computer-generated list of random numbers with a block of 4. Group A will be intervention group who will receive IPOP within 24 hours of amputation and group B will be control group in which patients will be treated according to the standard protocol of the institute and will apply conventional prosthesis post maturation of the stump. Outcome measures will be postural stability test, limits of stability, WHO Qol Bref, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experiences Scales (TAPES), Amputee Mobility Predictor (AMP).
Results: Descriptive analysis will be done using means/standard deviations and medians/IQRs for continuous variables, and frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. Student’s t-test will be used to compare the normal variables, whereas the Mann–Whitney U-test to compare the non-normal variables.
Conclusion: The study will present data for the impact of immediate post-operative prosthesis in relation with balance and quality of life in patients with posts traumatic below knee amputation.


Limb Loss; IPOP; Below Knee IPOP; Traumatic Amputation; Feasibility