Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Review Article
Educating Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders through a Response to Intervention Model of Developing Behavior Intervention Plans in a Multiple Case Study Model
Published: 2024-03-23


The ability of a teacher to manage a classroom has long been acknowledged as a major skill necessary for effective teaching. It is vital for a teacher therefore, to use methodologies which simultaneously address behavior management plans while continuing to meet the child’s individual academic needs and strengths. For students with emotional/behavioral disorders, they may have already become socially mal-adjusted by the time they are classified and receiving individualized services. When a student is unable to socially adapt at an early age the repercussions are often vast, however the Response to Intervention (RTI) model of intervention allows teachers to identify specific learning needs and prevent unnecessary special education placements. RTI presents an effective way for teachers to implement differentiated instruction in the classroom by providing the necessary academic, behavioral and emotional interventions early on.


Positive Behavior Supports; Emotional/Behavior Disorders; Response to Intervention