A trend of increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), specifically type 2 diabetes, has been seen in not only urban but also in rural areas of India. However, the awareness about Non communicable diseases is not increasing parallel to their increasing prevalence. Epidemiological transition exceeds the pace of improvement in knowledge about the non-communicable diseases which is referred here as ‘Knowledge Transition’. This commentary mentions four major factors which commonly act as barriers in ‘knowledge transition’ in rural India specifically for type 2 Diabetes: • Knowledge about pre diabetes stage. • Knowledge about co-morbidities, complications and self-care practices. • Attitude towards Treatment and Non adherence. • Awareness about risk factors. There is a need to assess and increase the knowledge about non communicable diseases in India. Qualitative methods can help in identifying various behavioral and cultural aspects in rural areas. IEC (Information, Education and Communication) and BCC (Behavioural Change Communication) strategies are equally important as pharmacological management of Type 2 Diabetes.
Epidemiological Transition; Non-Communicable Diseases; Type 2 Diabetes; Health Education; Health Communication