Ecotoxicology is the study of the effects of toxic chemicals on biological organisms, especially at the population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere levels. Pesticides are agrochemicals that are used to control pests, including insects, fungi, molds, mildew, bacteria, nematodes, rodents, unwanted herbs etc. Pesticides after surface runoff enter into aquatic system and impose hazardous condition in the environment. These chemicals have been found to be highly toxic not only to fish but also to the other organisms, which constitute the food chain. The contaminations of the water cause various ill effects on the fish health by altering they physiological status. The fungicides induce toxic effects on biochemical and hematological parameters, genetic material, enzyme profile, protein levels and histological status. In this review we have tried to highlight the ill effects of commonly used fungicides on different fish species by rating the toxicity levels of the toxicants.
Fishes; Ecotoxicology; Fungicides; Hematological Effect; Biochemical Effect; Histological Effect; Genotoxic