Acta Neurophysiologica ISSN: 2996-7554
Research Article
Comparing Visuo-Spatial Perception and Verbal Memory in Children Learning- Not Learning Music
Published: 2023-06-02


The present study aimed to study visuo spatial perception and verbal memory among children learning music (key board instrument and vocal) and children not learning music; and to study if there was a difference in visuo spatial perception and verbal memory among children learning key board instrument and vocal music. A Quasi experimental between group designs with convenient sampling was opted for the study. Boys and girls aged between 9 and 12 years from different schools with and without music training with inclusion criteria of children learning either vocal music or key board instrument continuously at least for past two years, with average intelligence (on Colour Progressive Matrices), average digit span (forward) (on Digit Span Test), adequate attention (on number cancellation test), and below cut off point on Children’s Behaviour Questionnaire were administered the tools of Benton’s Visual Retention Test and Logical Memory Test (Story Recall Immediate). The assessment tools were scored and results analysed using average, standard deviation and‘t’ test. The results indicated that children learning music and key board instrument were better on Visuo spatial perception and verbal memory than children not learning music. Children learning key board instrument were better on Visuo spatial perception than children learning vocal music and Children learning vocal music were better on verbal memory than children learning key board instrument.


Visuo Spatial Perception; Verbal Memory; Children Learning Music