Acta Neurophysiologica ISSN: 2996-7554
Review Article
Elucidating Self Efficacy & Parental Bonding on Mental Health in Families of Intellectually Disabled Children
Published: 2023-06-02


An intellectual disability is one of the most disabling childhood problems around the world & it is not an easy task to be a parent for such a child. The family is a great source of support for children with disabilities in any community. The psychological stress associated with child disability puts parents, in difficult situations. Many literature highlights, the impact of child disability on parents has mostly negative effects on their health. Thus, we can understand that parents & siblings of Intellectual disability are in need of professional programme, to handle stress. Albert Bandura identified Self Efficacy as central to understanding an individual’s transaction with their environment. That is, Self efficacy expectations are linked to perceived skills of individual, knowledge of appropriate behaviours and it is also linked to success or failure of task in the past. Bandura further explains, a strong inter relation among vicarious experience, social persuasion and emotional arousal in influencing self-efficacy. In this study, TOPSE, devised by Kendall S, et al. [1] is used to assess parental self efficacy. Its reliability & validity are proved by the authors. This study was conducted on 85 (female and male) siblings of Intellectually Disabled individuals in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu. Using Parental bonding instrument, a valid tool, developed by Gordon Parker, Hilary Tupling and L.B. Brown present study aimed to correlate between self efficacy & parental bonding with mental health in adult life of parents, normal siblings in presence of intellectually disabled child in family.


Intellectual Disability; Parental Self Efficacy; TOPSE; Vicarious Experience; Socialpersuasion; Emotional Arousal