Traditional system of medicine has a numerous variety of herbs with wide therapeutic and pharmacological uses which can help in the development of new bioactive compounds. Alpinia galanga (Linn.) is one amongst these important herbal plants, which is found around the globe. Also known as ‘Galanga’/‘Kulanjan’, and has been recognized in various traditional medicinal systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani for the treatment of numerous diseases. Different parts are used traditionally for the treatment of fungal disorder, in cancer therapy, as an anthelmintic, treatment of ulcer, cardiac disorder, treatment of arthritis, antidiuretic, dyspepsia, antipyretic, diabetes, burning of liver and kidney disease to list of few. Therefore, the present review is aimed to collect the up to date and comprehensive information of Alpinia galanga with special emphasis on, the traditional use of parts of galanga, its phytoconstituents, and its future prospects for identifying effective therapeutic compounds as well as various scientifically documented pharmacological activities.
Alpinia Galangal; Diabetes; Cardiac Disorder; Antipyretic; Antidiuretic