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Treatment of Fibrotic or Chronic Mastitis with Rid-Mast in Cattle

Fibrosis is a common sequel of 4 weeks of unsuccessful mastitis treatment which is of economic importance. Fibrosis may be diffused, involving whole quarter or...

Keywords: Fibrotic Udder; Cows and Buffaloes; Rid –Mast

Published: 2024-12-03

The Impact of Myopia Control Strategies on Long-Term Eye Health in Children

The global prevalence of myopia has reached epidemic proportions, particularly among children, posing significant risks to long-term ocular health. This article...

Keywords: Myopia; Orthokeratology; Children; Eye

Published: 2024-12-03

To Compare and Evaluate Visual Reaction Time and Eye and Hand Coordination in Cricketers and Non-Cricketers

This study aims to compare and evaluate visual reaction time and Eye and Hand Coordination in cricketers and non-cricketers. Objectives: To study visual reacti...

Keywords: Visual Reaction Time; Eye and Hand Coordination; Cricketers

Published: 2024-12-02

Recent Technological Advancements in the Treatment of Otitis Media (OM)

Keywords: Ear Infections; Otitis Media; Otitis Externa; Smartphone- Based Otoscopy; Nanotechnology; Drug Delivery Systems; Bioengineered Tympanic Membranes; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Machine Learning; Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Transforming Perspectives and Approach towards Better Mental Health Care

Keywords: Mental Health Literacy; Tele-MANAS App; Tele MANAS Tollfree Helpline Number

Published: 2024-12-01

Cortex to Cosmos: The Neurobiology of Transcendence

From Cortex to Cosmos: The Neurobiology of Transcendence. Exploring intricate relationships between the brain, spirituality, and altered states of consciousnes...

Keywords: Neurobiology; Spirituality; Transcendence; Meditation; Prayer; Altered States of Consciousness; Default Mode Network (DMN); Emotional Regulation; Stress Reduction; Neuroplasticity; Psychedelics; Shamanic Rituals; Transpersonal Psychology; Experiential Learning; Brain Connectivity; Ego Dissolution; Mindfulness; Neural Complexity; Mental Well-being; Collective Consciousness

Blocking Right Nerve at Wrong Place, Occipital Nerve Block for Midline Suboccipital Craniotomies

Greater occipital nerve is usually blocked at nuchal line in suboccipital craniotomies. This communication answers where the nerve to be blocked. The technique...

Keywords: Occipital Nerve; Midline Suboccipital Craniotomy; Anatomy

Conservation of Miniature Native Orchids Western Ghats, Wayanad

This study investigates the diversity, ecological significance, and conservation status of miniature native orchids in the Western Ghats, focusing on the Wayan...

Keywords: Miniature Orchids; Western Ghats; Wayanad; Biodiversity; Conservation; Reintroduction Programs

Published: 2024-11-29

Current Clinical Trends in the Management of Acute Foot Rot in Sheep and Goats

Foot rot is a common, complex, and important disease in the sheep caused by two microorganisms Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum resulting la...

Keywords: Acute Foot Rot; Sheep; Topical Alvimycin Spray; Bioplex High Seven; Oral Azithrmycin Solution

Published: 2024-11-29

Advances in Nanocarriers for Breast Cancer Treatment: A Comprehensive Review

Breast cancer (BC) is the most leading disease which is common against women. Its treatment process requires special attention due to disadvantages of conventi...

Keywords: Breast Cancer; Therapy; Receptor; Nanocarriers; Drug Delivery

Published: 2024-11-29

Insights into the Phenomenology of Online Consumer Behaviour among Emerging Adults

Emerging adulthood embodies a phase of profound transitions, where the online consumer behaviors of individuals are shaped by diverse backgrounds and societal ...

Keywords: Online Consumer Behaviour; Emerging Adults; E-Commerce; Digital Literacy; Future Trends; Sustainability; Educational Initiatives

Published: 2024-11-29

Modified Beggs Retainer: A Quick and Easy Manoeuvre to Aid Retention

Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare a modification of Beggs retainer having two additional arrowheads with the conventional Beggs retainer. Material...

Keywords: Beggs Retainer; Orthodontics; Retention

Drawing to Inform: Leveraging on the Power of Art to Promote Science Education among Non-Academic Audiences

Science is a part of everyone’s everyday life. In the 21st Century, the world amasses ground-breaking innovations and discoveries in the spheres of science an...

Published: 2024-11-29

Neurocognitive Profile of Flow: Non- Effortful, More Precise and Broader Brain Circuits

Objective: This work aimed to understand in which extent neurocognitive literature supports and improves Csikszentmihalyi’s flow experience characterization, as...

Keywords: Flow; Optimal Experience; Neurocognition; Attention; Executive Functions; Systematic Review

Published: 2024-11-29

The Role Conflict among working Women: A Sociological Study (With reference to Ranikhet, Tehsil)

The present research paper is based on primary and secondary data. The researcher has tried to look at the role conflict among working women towards their work...

Keywords: Role Conflict; Working Women Role Status; Economic Outlook

Published: 2024-11-29

A Review on the Application of Lifestyle-Routine Activity Theory in Cyber Criminology

In an age dominated by technology across all facets of living, the rise of cybercrime emerges as a significant issue for the individuals. The integration of li...

Keywords: Cyber Criminology; Lifestyle Theory; Routine Activity Theory; L-RAT

Published: 2024-11-29

Sinonasal Solitary Enchondroma - A Rare Case Report

Enchondroma is a benign tumour arising from cartilaginous tissue. Sinonasal tract Enchondroma is a relatively rare entity with a very few cases, reported in the...

Keywords: Sinonasal Tract Enchondroma; Nasal Obstruction; Benign Cartilaginous Tumour; U/L Nasal Mass; U/L Epistaxis;U/L Nasal Mass

Published: 2024-11-28

Study of the Causal Relationship of Certain Economic Variables to the Growth of Agricultural GDP in Iraq and Algeria for the Period 1990-2022

The objective of the study was to analyses some of the economic variables of the exchange rate and money supply as well as the relationship between these econo...

Keywords: Exchange Rate; Money Supply; Agricultural GDP; ARDL

An Overview of the Efficacy of Solution-Focused Short Interventions

A strengths-based therapeutic approach, solution focused brief therapy (SFBT) emphasizes people's resources and how they might be leveraged to facilitate positi...

Keywords: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy; Therapeutic; Intervention

Acta Neurophysiologica Short Communication
Published: 2024-11-28

Brain Injury and Trauma and Changes in Personality

Brain injury and trauma induce personality changes in affected individuals. These changes are clinically indistinguishable from personality disorders.

Keywords: Trauma; Personality Disorders

Implementing Psychopharmacological Training and Prescriptive Authority for Psychologists in India: A Strategic Plan

Proficiency of psychopharmacological expertise is an important aspect of psychological practice for all psychologists. This commentary proposes that psychopharm...

Keywords: Indian Prescribing Psychologists; Psychopharmacological Training; Prescribing Privileges for Psychologists (RxP); RxP India

Published: 2024-11-27

Review of Metribuzin Pollution and Its Impact on Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular Diseases

Metribuzin is an herbicide belonging to the triazinone group, which is incorporated as a weed killer in wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. The aim of this study w...

Keywords: Pesticides; Metribuzin; Oxidative Stress; Cardiovascular Diseases

Published: 2024-11-27

Surgical Retrieval of an Entrapped Radial Artery Sheath After Primary PCI. A Rare Case Report

Percutaneous coronary interventions have become the mainstay of treatment for coronary artery disease with more than two million procedures performed annually....

Keywords: PCI; Entrapped Radial Artery Sheath; Mechanical Complications of PCI; CAG; C Arm Fluoroscopy; Exploratory Surgery

Published: 2024-11-27

Narrative Review on the Different Approaches for Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement

Minimally invasive mitral valve replacement (MIMVR) has emerged as an alternative to traditional open mitral valve surgery, offering reduced morbidity and faste...

Keywords: Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Replacement; Minithoracotomy; Ministernotomy; Transcathether Mitral Valve Replacement; Robotic Mitral Valve Replacement

Published: 2024-11-27

Evaluating CT Coronary Angiography as a Screening Tool for Coronary Artery Disease in India: A Comprehensive Review

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, notably affecting younger populations in India. This study proposes Computed Tomography...

Keywords: Syndromes; Coronary; Disease; Symptoms; Paradigms; Paradigms; Angiography; Treatment; Cancer; Mammography; Mammography

Published: 2024-11-27

Why Children Under 5 Years of Age Need Free Emergency Healthcare in Nigeria

Nigeria has very high death rates in children under the age of 5 years. Currently, these statistics are the highest in the world. Policies designed to reduced ...

Keywords: Nigeria; Child Mortality Rates; Emergency Healthcare; Free Medical Care

Published: 2024-11-27

Challenges in Managing Ovarian Cancer

The lack of reliable predictive tools is a challenge in managing ovarian cancer. Clinical, imaging, molecular, and artificial intelligence would be the curren...

Chemobrain: Understanding and Managing Cognitive Impairment in Oncology Patients

Chemobrain, or chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment (CICI), is a prevalent yet often under recognized consequence of cancer treatment that significantly i...

Keywords: Chemobrain; Patients; Chemotherapy; Cognitive Impairment

Published: 2024-11-27

Knowledge Regarding Patient Safety in Operation Theatre among Operating Room Nurses: A Descriptive Study

The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding patient safety in operation theatre among operating room nurses of selected hospital, Kottaya...

Keywords: Knowledge; Operating Room Nurses; Patient Safety; Operation Theatre