Clinical Neuroscience & Neurological Research International Journal ISSN: 2689-6001
Research Article
Creative Curriculum Medical Educational Model through M.B.B.S. Students’ Perception
Published: 2024-12-20


Medicine is a highly competitive professional education program.Newly admitted medical students are facing many social, emotional, physical, psychological issues because of revolutionary changes in medical education. ‘Education’ is important, but education to support and live life better is more important. Life skills are a behavior change or behavior development approach designed to address balance of three areas of knowledge, attitude and skills. Several life skills such as time management, leadership, teamwork, learning improvement and mental performances can be developed by involving into sports and artistic activities. The objectives of this study were 1. to explore life skills development and learning contexts among medical students and 2. to investigate relationships between students’ past level of involvements in sports/ physical activity,arts and their motivations for learning (achievement goals) and well-being in medical college. 200 medical students from 1st and 2nd year M.B.B.S. were given a questionnaire and their responses were analyzed. This study provides evidence to medical programs in curriculum planning and learn medicine effectively to achieve the required attributes which supports the one month foundation course introduced by National Medical Council,India. The study highlighted how a rational and responsible commitment to sports and extra- curricular activities could contribute to developing life skills that might be transferable to a future medical career. Our analysis revealed that the medical students involved in sports and extra - curricular activities were likely to perceive life skills.


Competitive Professional Education Program