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Published: 2024-12-23

Impact of Life Term Imprisonment on Quality of Life: A Comparative Study of Convicted Murderers and Non-Criminals

Imprisonment has a close relationship with crime, criminals, and the justice system in every nation or state worldwide. It is a form of judicial punishment in ...

Keywords: Life Term Imprisonment; Quality of Life; Convicted Murderers; Non-Criminals

Published: 2024-12-23

Understanding the Sender to Receiver Pathway of Conveying Message

Communication is sharing information from one person to other person. Communication can take place among persons whether they know each other or not. Inadequat...

Keywords: Communication; Communication Skills; Doctor-Patient Communication; Assessment; Need for Training

Published: 2024-12-23

Establishing Identity of Accused Person from Negative Image Fingerprint-A Case Study

The fingerprint science is the most positive means of identifying an individual. Fingerprint science provides positive identification and establishes the ident...

Keywords: Fingerprint; Identification; Solver; Impersonation; Investigation; Image Processing; Hide; Friction Skin; Ridge and OMR Answer Sheet

Caffeine and Chronic Disease: Epidemiological Evidence and Therapeutic Implications

Caffeine, a ubiquitous psychoactive compound, has been extensively studied for its complex interactions with human health. This comprehensive literature review...

Keywords: Caffeine; Chronic Disease; Psychoactive Compound

Published: 2024-12-23

Intraoperative Complications of Stapes Surgery

If otosclerosis surgery is classically described as a series of perfectly coordinated steps, each stage can be marked by variations (often related to the pati...

Mouth Watering Foods & Snacks: How Safe are these for us

In addition to our primary meals and breakfast in our daily life we also need healthy “Intermediate Foods” during the day for maintaining a healthy and diseas...

Keywords: Safety; Maintaining Healthy Foods; Proper Digestion

Pharmacokinetics VS Pharmacodynamics: Understanding Drug Behaviour for Optimal Therapeutic Outcomes

In the realm of pharmacology, the effective use of drugs depends on two fundamental concepts: pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). These principle...

Keywords: Efficacy and Safety; Drug Therapy; ADME

Published: 2024-12-22

Meaningful Learning in the Development of Novice Nurses

In the education of novice nurses, many different approaches can be taken to provide the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for patient care. This paper rev...

Keywords: Novice Nurses; NCLEX; VARK Questionnaire

Creative Curriculum Medical Educational Model through M.B.B.S. Students’ Perception

Medicine is a highly competitive professional education program .Newly admitted medical students are facing many social, emotional, physical, psychological iss...

Keywords: Competitive Professional Education Program

Dissecting Handwriting Variability: An In-depth Forensic Study on the Impact of Stress, Injury, and Cognitive State

Handwriting is commonly viewed as a distinctive and enduring personal marker, though it may display noteworthy fluctuations as influenced by a range of interna...

Keywords: Handwriting Analysis; Graphology; Forensic Handwriting Examination; Stress and Handwriting; Physical Injury and Handwriting; Cognitive State and Handwriting; Handwriting Variability; Forensic Document Analysis; Motor Control and Handwriting; Psychological Effects on Handwriting; Cognitive Fatigue and Writing Behaviour; Handwriting Consistency; Document Examination in Criminal Investigations; Forensic Science; Writing Pattern Changes; Legibility and Handwriting Analysis; Handwriting Identification

Published: 2024-12-19

A Multicenter Audit 0f Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery Outcome at Menilik Ii Referal Hospital Andbiruh Vision Specialized Eye Clinic, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Aim: To assess visual outcome and complication rates in patients who underwent Phacoemulsification for cataract at Menilik II Referral Eye Hospital and Biruh V...

Keywords: Cataract; Phacoemulsification; Complications; Visual outcome

Published: 2024-12-19

The Role of Optometrists in Addressing Vision Loss and Preventable Blindness in Nigeria: A Public Health Perspective

Preventable vision loss is a significant public health challenge in Nigeria, with millions affected by conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic ret...

Keywords: Optometrists; Addressing Vision Loss; Preventable Blindness; Public Health

Published: 2024-12-19

Correlation of Goldmann Flattening Tonometry and Diaton Ballistic Principle Tonometry Measurements in Different Patient Groups

Purpose: To compare intraocular pressure [IOP] between Goldmann leveling tonometry and Diaton ballistic principle tonometry over the eyelids in different patie...

Keywords: Glaucoma; IOP; Ballistic Principle Diaton Tonometry; Tonometry above the Upper Eyelid

Managing the Black Swan Event of Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage in Patients with Anti-coagulant & Antiplatelet Medication

This mini-review examines the management of spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) in patients using anticoagulant and antiplatelet medication. Atrial Fib...

Keywords: Intracerebral Hemorrhage; Atrial Fibrillation; Direct Oral Anti-Coagulants; Vitamin-K Antagonists

Published: 2024-12-19

Conscious Sedation in Dentistry and the Role of the Anesthesiologist

Conscious sedation has revolutionized modern dentistry by enabling anxiety-free and pain-free dental procedures for patients. This technique involves the admin...

Keywords: Conscious Sedation; Dentistry; Anesthesiologist; Patient Safety; Pharmacology

Published: 2024-12-19

Controversies around Orthodontic Treatment and TMD Etiologies

The relationship between orthodontic treatment—braces or aligners—and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD), an excruciating disorder affecting a joint within the j...

Keywords: Aligners; Dental; Jaw; Orthodontic; Temporomandibular

Effect of Smartphone Usage Duration on Academic Performance and Spectacle Use Among Adolescents

This study investigates the impact of smartphone usage duration on academic performance and spectacle use among adolescents. A cross-sectional research design ...

Keywords: Smartphone Usage; Academic Performance; Spectacle Use; Adolescents; Academic Achievement; Screen Time; Adolescent Development

Dear Doctor, Is Your Health Good Enough? Let Us Exercise

The nation’s health lies hugely in the medical decisionmaking and surgical performance of doctors. So, a doctor needs to perform in the best possible mental a...

Keywords: Health; Satisfactory Level: Immunovigilance; Lifestyle

Published: 2024-12-18

The Intersection of Technology and Oral Health: A Review on Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the field of dentistry, offering innovative solutions to a variety of clinical, diagnosti...

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Dental Research; Neural Network; Hybrid Intelligence

Published: 2024-12-18

Cancer Treatment-Induced Oral Morbidity

therapy, and chemotherapy & radiation therapy together, cancer patients are at greater risk of developing oral problems. Fast-growing cells, like cancer cells...

Keywords: Oral Morbidity; Cancer Treatment

Soil Quality and Health

The focus of all applied sciences, especially agriculture, preserving natural resources on Earth. Soil, being the most vital resource, is fundamental to agricu...

Keywords: Soil Quality, Health

Published: 2024-12-18

Valuation of Proceed PlusTM MD and Verification of CelestTop312.5FS Fungicides for the control of loose smut of Wheat in Southeastern Ethiopia

Wheat is considered one of the utmost grown agricultural grain crops in the world to meet the food requirements of the domain’s population. In Ethiopia, wheat ...

Keywords: Bread Wheat; Fungicide; Ustilago Tritici; Loose Smut; Seed Borne Disease

Published: 2024-12-18

Dietary Requirements and Nutritional Value of Horticultural Crops

Globally and in India, the horticulture sector has seen remarkable growth. India ranks second in vegetable and fruit production, leading in dry onion productio...

Keywords: Fruits; Vegetables; Nutrition; Diet

Published: 2024-12-18

Exploring Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Accessions Conserved in the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute Gene Bank to Identify New Sources of Adult Plant Resistance to Yellow (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici) and Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) Diseases

Wheat is a key food security grain crop in the world including Ethiopia. The government of Ethiopia is dedicated to self-reliance through initiatives such as w...

Keywords: Bread Wheat; Accessions; Stem Rust; Yellow Rust; Diseases Severity; Yellow Rust

Published: 2024-12-18

Plants from Algoreer Region in North Sudan

The study aimed to clarify the diversity of vegetation in Algoreer area, which is located in Northern State in north Sudan. This work relied mainly on field su...

Keywords: Algoreer; Northern State; Northern Sudan; Sudan Vegetation

Published: 2024-12-18

Characteristics of Type II Dental Gypsum Hydroxyapatite (DGHA II)-Gelatin Scaffold Using Freeze-Drying Method in Different Composition Ratios

Hydroxyapatite (HA) is commonly used as a scaffold material for bone substitutes. It can be synthesized from type II dental gypsum to produce Dental Gypsum-Hyd...

Keywords: Characterization; Dental Gypsum; Gelatin; Hydroxyapatite; Scaffold1

Published: 2024-12-18

Bacteriological Assessment of Sudanese White Cheese in Port Sudan during Winter Season

Introduction: Sudanese white cheese is a traditional dairy food product made from raw milk, popular among rural and urban residents. The industry relies on non...

Keywords: Contamination; E coli; Port Sudan; Staphylococcus aureus; Sudanese white Cheese; Winter Season

A Holistic Approach to PTSD Rehabilitation: Assessing the Impact of Combining Physiotherapy and Mind-Body Techniques

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that affects individuals who have experienced traumatic events, resulting in a range of psych...

Keywords: PTSD; Rehabilitation

Published: 2024-12-16

Blood Sugar Monitoring in GDM: Patient Perspectives

Blood sugar monitoring is an integral part for management of Diabetes Mellitus. Blood sugar control is important for good peri-natal and maternal outcome to a...

Keywords: Blood Sugar; Patient