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Published: 2024-09-30

A Study to Compare the Difference in Effect of a Nursing Intervention Package on the Knowledge Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch between Urban Children and Rural Children Studying in Selected Schools of Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Background: Globally, one-third of all victims of CSA are children. In India this abuse starts at the age of 5 years and it gains momentum 10 years onward. Urb...

Keywords: Chile Sexual Abuse; Children; Nursing Intervention Package; Standardised Children Knowledge Abuse Questionnaire

Published: 2024-09-27

Evaluation of the Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Nijmegen Cochlear Implantation Questionnaire

Objective: The Nijmegen Cochlear Implant Questionnaire (NCIQ) is designed to evaluate the quality of life of cochlear implant (CI) patients. This questionnaire ...

Keywords: Cochlear Implantation; Life; Questionnaire

Communicable Disease and Covid-19: Lesson Learned

The Covid-19 pandemic has choked the world and so have the containment measures. LMICs are going through an epidemiological transition with the burden of the d...

Keywords: Diseas; Covid-19 Pandemic; World

Published: 2024-09-26

Evaluation of the Impact of Community-Based Medical Education on the Skills and Abilities of Medical Students at Karary University, Khartoum, Sudan

Introduction: The traditional medical education system often lacks preparation for clinical practice in diverse community environments. Community-based medicine...

Keywords: Community-Based Medical Education (CBME); Community Medicine; Karary university; Medical Students; Medical Training and Skills Development

Published: 2024-09-26

Chemical Induction of Diabetes in Rodents: A Critical Tool for Diabetes Research

Diabetes mellitus, a chronic ailment, frequently associated with permanent and irreversible functional and structural changes in the body cells, with around 42...

Keywords: Streptozotocin; Alloxan; Induction; Diabetes

Unveiling the Power of NLP in Modern Therapeutic Practices

As psychological therapies continue to evolve, the integration of interdisciplinary approaches has opened new avenues for enhancing the effectiveness of menta...

Keywords: Therapeutic Practices; Dialectical Behavior; Psychological Therapies

Published: 2024-09-25

Recent Advances in Dental Composites: An Overview

Until recent decades, apically immature necrotic teeth were indicative of apical growth. With advances in dentistry such as improved irrigation in procedures, ...

Keywords: Regenerative Endodontic Procedures (REPs); Restoration; Non-Carious Cervical Lesions

Acta Neurophysiologica Research Article
Published: 2024-09-23

Time Restricted Fasting Provides Greater Metabolic Marker Profiles Vs Other Intermittent Fasting Regimens - A Narrative Review

Fasting is the process of abstaining from eating food and sometimes drinking water. Intermittent fasting (IF), involves any timeframe of cycling between periods...

Keywords: Intermittent Fasting; Eating Time; Time-Restricted Fasting; Alternative Day Fasting

Published: 2024-09-23

Stem Rust Disease Effect on Grain Yield, Yield Components, and Quality Parameters in Bead Wheat Lines at Lowland Areas

Stem rust attacks the above-ground part of the plant, such as the stem, leaf, and inflorescence. Moreover, it affects crop vigour and yields, and depending on ...

Keywords: Stem Rust; Protein; Starch; Moisture; NIR; Genotypes

Published: 2024-09-23

Breeding for Nutrient Enriched Coloured Flesh Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) with Endurance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses-- Revisiting the Past for Present and Emerging Future

Natural coloured food used to supplement required balanced nutrition for good physical and mental health. Such coloured diets have slowly vanished owing to var...

Keywords: Sweet Potato; Coloured Flesh; Nutrient Enriched; Tolerant to Stresses; Wellness for all

Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Agriculture

Agriculture is the key component of global economy, which is the primary source of food, revenue, and employment. More than 70% of rural people particularly in...

Keywords: Crop Monitoring; NDVI; Sensors; Spraying; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Published: 2024-09-20

Anterior Vermian Syndrome in SLE - A Case Report and Review of Literature

Neurological and psychiatric manifestations are present in 50-70% of patients with SLE Neurological manifestations involve focal or diffuse CNS involvement and ...

Keywords: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Cerebellar Atrophy; Ataxia

Published: 2024-09-19

Innovative Approaches for Sustainable Poultry Production

The article provides a detailed summary of sustainability in chicken farming, highlighting the need to balance consumer demands with the preservation of natura...

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Poultry; Internet of Things

Published: 2024-09-18

Study to Compare the Difference in Effect of a Nursing Intervention Package on the Attitude Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch Between Urban Adolescents and Rural Adolescents Studying in Selected Schools of Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Background: Globally, two-third of all victims of CSA are adolescents. In India this abuse peaks at 12 to 15 years of age and then starts to decline. Urban stu...

Keywords: Chile Sexual Abuse; Adolescents; Nursing Intervention Package; Attitude Rating Scale

Published: 2024-09-18

Reconstruction of Extensive Lower Lip Defect using Tunneled Famm Flap following Squamous Cell Carcinoma Resection

Objective: To report the successful use of the Facial Artery Musculomucosal (FAMM) flap for the reconstruction of an extensive lower lip defect following resect...

Keywords: FAMM Flap; Lower Lip Reconstruction; Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Facial Artery Musculomucosal Flap; Oral Defect Reconstruction

Published: 2024-09-18

Positive Youth Development, Happiness and Wellbeing among Youth: Recommendations for Educational Institutions

Youth are the future leaders and citizens, and it is important that they are provided with a stimulating environment where they can thrive and make developmenta...

Keywords: Youth; India; Jammu; Positive Youth Development; Happiness; Wellbeing; Educational Institutions

Menstrual Cycle Concerns and Awareness: A Myth or a Belief

This article delves into the intricate interplay between the menstrual cycle and various dimensions of female health. Investigating the mental, emotional, and s...

Keywords: Menstruation; Menstrual Cycle; Adolescents; Women

A Case of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Nephrotic Syndrome and Challenges in Management

Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a rare type of disorder caused by a blood clot in the cerebral venous sinuses or cortical veins, disrupting normal blood flo...

Keywords: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis; Procoagulant; Nephrotic Syndrome; Long-Term Therapy; Optimal Patient

Published: 2024-09-15

Comparative Study of Managing Plantar Fasciitis by Integrated Siddha Varmam and Energy Healing to Conservative Treatment

Background: Plantar Fasciitis (PF), one of the major causes of heel pain, is symptomatically correlated with the Siddha diagnostic term Kuthikaal Vatham. It is ...

Keywords: Plantar Fasciitis; Kuthikaal Vatham; Varmam Therapy; Energy Medicine; Pain Management

Published: 2024-09-15

Evaluation of Physicochemical Property of Wine Developed from Papaya Fruit

Papaya is one of the most important tropical fruits in Ethiopia. Increased production has been observed over years paralleled by large postharvest losses which...

Keywords: Grape; Papaya; Physicochemical; Sensory; Wine

Published: 2024-09-13

Regenerative Endodontics: A Review of Literature

Until recent decades, apically immature necrotic teeth were indicative of apical growth. With advances in dentistry such as improved irrigation in procedures, ...

Keywords: Regenerative Endodontic Procedures (REPs); Restoration; Non-Carious Cervical Lesions

Medical Cannabis: A Review of its Therapeutic Potential in the Treatment of Migraine

Migraine is a common episodic headache disorder. Currently, available medications are effective with moderate to severe adverse effects. Therefore, there is st...

Keywords: Cannabis; Cannabinoids; Medical Cannabis; Medical cannabis

Acute Pancreatitis with Pregnancy

Acute Pancreatitis (AP) in pregnancy is a rare but serious event occurring between 3 in 10000 pregnancies. The spectrum of AP in pregnancy varies from mild to ...

Keywords: Acute Pancreatitis; Cholecystectomy; Cholelithiasis; Pregnancy; Pancreatitis in Pregnancy

Acta Neurophysiologica Research Article
Published: 2024-09-11

Anti-Ageing of Executive Functions: Insights from a Study on Air Traffic Controllers

The study investigated executive functioning in air traffic controllers. Controllers (N=50) whose job involves multi-tasking in dynamic and complex environment ...

Keywords: Executive Functioning; Air Traffic Controller

Published: 2024-09-11

Infodemic, Persuasion and Propaganda in Health Care System– A Challenge for Nurses in Delivering Qualty Nursing Care

This paper presents a theoretical view on infodemic, propaganda and persuasion in health care system and the challenges it poses in delivering quality nursing ...

Keywords: Infodemic; Propaganda; Persuasion; Nursing Care; Nurses; Health Care System

Mediator Factorial Model of Gastronomic Tourism in the Face of COVID-19

The pandemic has claimed the lives of seven million, affecting the local economy. Anti-COVID-19 policies promote entrepreneurship as a central axis of the econo...

Keywords: COVID-19; Entrepreneurship; Gastronomy; Confectionery; Tourism

Published: 2024-09-10

The Future of Agriculture: Constructing Resilience in Farming for Climate Change

The significance of agricultural resilience in addressing the impacts of climate change is underscored by this review paper. Notably, extreme weather events an...

Keywords: Fields of the Future; Sustainable Practices; Adaptive Management Strategies; Weather Patterns; Data Analytics; Internet of Things (IoT); Resilient Future

Published: 2024-09-09

Cancer Immunity and Role of Micronutrients

Cancer and immunity are intricately linked, as the immune system plays a pivotal role in identifying and eliminating cancerous cells. However, cancer cells can ...

Keywords: Cancer Immunity; Micronutrients; Chemoresistance