Skin reflects origin, lifestyle, age and state of health. Skin color, tone and evenness, pigmentation, as well as skin surface characteristics are signs of skin...
Keywords: Skin Care; Creams; Emollients; Moisturizers; Emulsions
Moringa oleifera is graceful, small and deciduous tree with sparse foliage. During flowering season this plant closely resembles to leguminous species from di...
Keywords: Moringa oleifera; Leguminous Species; Tripinnate Leaves
1.1. Objective: To identify the effectiveness of the use of aromatherapy on perineal discomfort or pain in primiparous adult women who had a vaginal birth witho...
Keywords: <p>Aromatherapy; Perineal; Pain; Maternal well-being</p>
Both ADM (Archer Daniels Midland Company of USA) and Beidahuang play important role in domestic and international food markets, which are representatives of su...
Keywords: <p>Operation Achievement; Evaluation Index; Company Comparison; Countermeasure Suggestion</p>
Fractures of the upper end of the humerus are common, they represent about 5% of all fractures, and their frequency of occurrence increases to more than 1 0% b...
Keywords: <p>Fracture; Proximal Humerus; Osteosynthesis; Results -Surgical treatment</p>
Ultrasonography is an easy, quick and noninvasive technique, enabling dynamic real time interaction with the clinical examination. Technological advances have...
Keywords: Sonography; Ultrasound
Most criminological theory courses will typically discuss at some point the biological influences of crime. However, more often these discussions will start an...
Keywords: <p>The Criminal Man; Mesomorphic physique; The field of criminology</p>
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LV) is one of the most common types of vasculitis. The pathology can be caused by infection, systemic autoimmune conditions, malign...
Keywords: Methotrexate; Vasculitis; Leukocytoclastic; Psoriasis
The study was performed to find out the impact of the Biofield Energy Treated test formulation on the function of vital organs viz. bones, heart, liver, lungs, ...
Keywords: <p>The Trivedi Effect®; Biofield Energy Treatment; Bone health; Liver health; Cardiac health; Lungs health; VDR receptor; Brain health</p>
The study was investigated to find out the impact of the Biofield Energy Treated test formulation on the function of vital organs viz. bones, heart, liver, lun...
Keywords: <p>Biofield Energy Treatment; The Trivedi effect®; Bone health; Cardiac health; Liver health; Lungs health;</p> <p>VDR receptor; Brain health</p>
The Ductus Arteriosus is a vascular structure that is responsible for the union of the pulmonary artery with the descending aorta during fetal life. At the ti...
Keywords: Ductus Arteriosus; Pulmonary Artery
Keywords: <p>Pemphigus Vulgaris; Proximal; Haemorrhage; Onychomadesis; Nail biopsy</p>
Summary: Topical gel formulations are of increasing interest in the pharmaceutical industry, they are typically transparent or translucent, water-based semisol...
Keywords: <p>Ketoprofen; Gels; Absorption; FTIR</p>
High-volume low-pressure cuff endotracheal tubes (ETT) have potential complications even they are the standard of airway protection. Under inflation increases...
Keywords: Endotracheal cuff pressure
As gestalt therapy does not provide (describe) a series of set goals for the therapeutic application in everyday pediatricians work, with this manuscript idea ...
Keywords: Gestalt Psychotherapy; Gestalt Techniques; Pediatrician; Holistic Approach; Quality of Healing
Cardiac rehabilitation can prevent complication, reduce disease progression, and improve functional performance among post-ischemic heart disease patients. This...
Keywords: <p>Ischemic heart disease; Integrated cardiac rehabilitation (ICR) program; Health behaviors; Functional performance</p>
The article surveys some recent research works on spider silk. The engineering properties of individual fibers from Nephila Clavipes spider drag line under unia...
Keywords: Spider silk, mechanical properties, Web...
The concept of Free radicals and the damage they cause in the biological systems has been getting a lot of attention over the past few years. They have been re...
Keywords: Free radicals; Oxidative stress; Periodontitis; Inflammation
Neuropathic pain may be the consequence of an injury or dysfunction of the nerves, spinal cord, or brain, resulting in the nociceptive system behaving abnormal...
Keywords: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid; Neuropathic pain; Nutraceuticals
Background: This study investigated the effect of low-dose ketamine on neonatal and maternal well-being with a view to assessing neonatal and maternal safety p...
Keywords: Ketamine; Safety; Caesarean-section
One of the most important achievements in formulation of electrolytic systems is the discovery of Generalized Electron Balance (GEB) [1], as an equation (unknow...
Keywords: Electrolytic Systems; Redox Titrations; Balances; GEB; GATES
The brain of an infant may be the blank tablet envisaged by Locke. But as it is shaped by both experience and language it develops into the mind of an adult. As...
Keywords: <p>Democracy; Capitalism; Combat; Philosophical; Pacification; Attrition</p>
Sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) are a new class of oral antidiabetic agents that is considered a breakthrough in the history of management...
Keywords: Diabetes; Kidneys
Phytoconstituents, minerals, and vitamins have been widely evaluated for their significant biological properties. A new proprietary test formulation was prepare...
Keywords: <p><span style="font-family: Cambria, serif;"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Immunity, Biofield Energy Healing...
This paper reports methods and equipment needed to forecast the time, or number of cycles, to failure or break a component via FE fracture mechanics models and ...
The contribution of non-European cultures to science and technology, primarily to chemistry, has gained very little attentions until now. Especially, the high t...
The story which is commonly happened in the hospitals every day is the variability of drug response among patients which ranged between failure of treatment t...
Keywords: Medicine; Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)