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Published: 2022-03-28

Jamun Syzygium cumini skeels in the Treatment of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance. Diabetes is caused by dysregulation of hormones and defects in cellular functions...

Keywords: Diabetes; World Health Organization

Published: 2022-03-14

Understanding the Terminology: Equine-Assisted Activities and/or Therapies (EAA-T)

The population of United States (U.S.) veterans is multifaceted and complex. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide daily. Addressing various significant veteran n...

Keywords: EAA-T; Brain injury; Stress disorder

Published: 2022-03-14

The Influence of Handover on the Quality of Service in the Hospital

Introduction: Handover is a nurse activity that must be carried out so that there is continuity of nursing care. A handover is a form of effective communicatio...

Keywords: Handover; Nursing care; Service quality

Published: 2022-03-07

Chemical Characterization of Solutions from Cooked Maize and their Comparison with Solutions from Cooked Beans: Their Position between Food and Fertilizer

The present paper aims to highlight the chemical characteristics of solutions from cooked maize and to compare them with solutions from cooked beans. Solutions...

Keywords: Used Water; Sanitation; Recycling; Fertilization; Agriculture; Nutrition

Published: 2022-03-07

Fumonisin: a Potential Mycotoxin Produced by Fusarium Verticellioides and it’s Impact on Human and Animal Health

Fumonisin are considered as agriculturally important mycotoxin produced by Fusarium verticillioides and F. proliferatum which frequently contaminate the maize ...

Keywords: Animal; Fumonisin; Fusarium Verticillioides; Human Being; Maize; Mycotoxin

Published: 2022-02-28

Supplements or “Real Food”, What is the Indication for Healthy Adults who Practice Regular Physical Activity?

At the same time the number of people that practice physical activity grows throughout the country, the search to improve sports performance increases as well ...

Keywords: Food supplement; Supplementation; Diet and physical activity; Health and nutrition

Toward a Value-Based Care Model for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined as a pervasive developmental disorder and neurodevelopmental condition characterized by impairments in social communi...

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Patient-Centered; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; Clinical Presentation

Published: 2022-02-22

Light Spectra and 6-Benzylaminopurine in the In Vitro Cultivation of Epidendrum lilas

In order to supply the growing market demand for orchids (Epidendrum Lilas), is usually recommended the micropropagation technique, mainly, for the production...

Keywords: Orchid; Micropropagation; Light; Cytokinin

The Psychology and Challenges of Men after Divorce

Divorce is the formal termination of the relationship between a married woman and a man. As it is known, divorce is a situation that affects both sides both ne...

Keywords: Divorced Man; Post-Divorce; the Divorced Woman; Challenges of Divorced Fathers; Comparison of Divorced Man and Woman

Published: 2022-02-09

Is Maize Profitable under Technology Adoption- A Partial Budget Analysis

Maize is cultivated worldwide and having wider adaptability under varied agro climatic conditions. Boosting agricultural productivity has been an issue of par...

Keywords: Maize; Technology Adoption; Partial Budgeting; Small Framers; Marginal Farmers

An Analysis of Cognitive Dissonance: A Critique

A Critique is a masterful analysis of the theory of cognitive dissonance from the standpoint of a behavioral scientist examining the social relevance of a theor...

Keywords: Cognitive Dissonance; Human Behavior

Published: 2022-01-29

Serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D in Japanese Children with PFAPA Syndrome

Objectives: Low levels of blood vitamin D have been reported not only in children with otitis media and frequent respiratory tract infections, but also in PFAP...

Keywords: Vitamin D deficiency; Cytokine; T-cell; VDR; 1, 25-(OH)2 vitamin D3

Published: 2021-12-10

Phosphorus Soil Test Calibration for Irrigated Sugar Beet P Fertilizer Recommendation under Morocco Mediterranean Conditions

The current sugar beet fertilizer applications in Morocco are based on sugar beet fertilization experiments and soil testing, to assess the soil fertility, carr...

Keywords: <p> Sugar Beet; Olsen Phosphorus; Fertilization; Soil Test Calibration; Mediterranean</p>

Acta Neurophysiologica Research Article
Published: 2021-12-09

Spinal Immobilization VS No-Immobilisation in Trauma Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Background: Despite the common application of pre-clinical immobilisation in trauma patients for many years, the existing evidence for this intervention is sti...

Keywords: <p>Pre-Clinical; Spinal Immobilisation; Cervical Collar; Trauma</p>

Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Outcome of Post-Stroke Delirium

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the incidence and risk factors of delirium in acute ischemic stroke and its role in functional outcome. Methods...

Keywords: Post-Stroke Delirium; Modified Rankin Scale; Delirium Observation Screening Scale

Biopesticides an Eco-Friendly Alternative Pest Control

Biopesticides characterize intensifies that are utilized to oversee agrarian nuisances through explicit natural impacts as opposed to as more extensive compound...

Keywords: <p>Chrysanthemum; Insecticides; Crown Gall; Submerged Fermentation</p>

Published: 2021-11-26

Deep Skills: Neuroenhancement and Synaptic Plasticity: The Neuroscience of Movement to Counteract the Effects of Covid 19

Keywords: <p>Neuroscience; Deep Skills; Recognition Memory; Spatial</p> <p>Memory; Physical Activity; Psychomotor Skills; Quantum</p> <p>Physics; Lagreefitness; Mental Health; Neuroplasticity;</p> <p>Cognitive Exercise; Massage; Exercise Physiology;</p> <p>Neurophysiology; Psychology; Psychophysiology</p>

Published: 2021-11-22

Insight on the Outbreak of Lassa Fever Amidst Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Lassa fever virus (LASV) is seen mainly in some regions of West Africa, however, this disease has been reported in some other countries from travelers coming f...

Keywords: Coronaviruses; Lassa fever; Mastomys Natalensis; Ribavirin; Vaccines

Published: 2021-11-02

Association between Knowledge with Anxiety Level of Pre Operating on Patients with Cataract

Background: pre anxiety cataract surgery could affect the majority of patients. From the preliminary study, it was found that 6 out of 10 patients felt anxious,...

Keywords: <p>: Knowledge; Anxiety; Cataract Patients</p>

Published: 2021-10-23

Impact of the Climate Change on Jojoba Cultivation

Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider) one of the xerophyte plants belonging to Simmondiaceae family, it is a perennial evergreen woody shrub that grows...

Keywords: <p>Climate Change; Drought; Jojoba; Marginal Lands; Soil Salinity</p>

Published: 2021-10-20

A Pre Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Information and Practice Concerning Deterrence of Worm Infestation Amongst Mothers Having Under Five Years Children in Designated Villages of Jhajjar, Haryana

Background: Children are the ones who are very vital for deciding how the world is gonna be after some years. As per data of WHO given on 2 march 2020 soil tra...

Keywords: <p>Mothers; Under-Five Years Children; Knowledge</p>

Published: 2021-10-18

Snake Bite Case in Holstein Friesian Cattle at Private Dairy Farm in Hyderabad, Sindh

A Seven-year-old female Holstein Friesian cows was confined at the Private dairy farm Hyderabad, Sindh was bitten by a snake. Respiratory trouble, restlessness,...

Keywords: Snake Bite; Holstein Friesian Cattle; Acute Poisoning; Cobra

Published: 2021-10-18

Permaculture Design in Agriculture: A Review

Permaculture is similar to agroecology and agroforestry with an emphasis on diversity and versatility to reduce the risk and exploit collaboration between syste...

Keywords: <p>Diversification; Food Cycle; Autonomous Horticultural</p>

Published: 2021-10-13

Assessment of the Prognosis of Root Canal Therapy Completed at PIDC in 2012: A Cross Sectional Survey

Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the prognosis of root canal treatment done in the year 2012 in Penang International Dental College (PIDC), a 10 year ...

Keywords: Root Canal Treatment; PIDC; Success; Failures