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Published: 2021-07-22

The Effects of Glucose on Gestational Diabetes Women

The current paper studies the effects of glucose on different biochemical parameters of pregnant women. It is identified herein that mean glucose levels ar...

Keywords: <p>Glucose; Type-I diabetes; Type-II diabetes</p>

Published: 2021-07-21

Principles of Emergency Care for Acute Pulmonary Inflammation

After the introduction of antibiotics into widespread practice, the treatment of patients with acute pneumonia (AP) focused on the etiotropic direction. The ce...

Keywords: Emergency Care; Acute Pulmonary Inflammation

Thyroid Diseases and Pregnancy

Pregnancy represents a physiological state in which the adaptation of the thyroid function constitutes a crucial dynamic process for the adequate development of...

Keywords: Thyroid; Hypothyroidism; Hyperthyroidism; pregnancy; Grave`s Diasease; Iodo; Thyrotoxicosis

Published: 2021-07-20

Cytomegalovirus in Liver Transplant Patients

Graft survival in liver transplant recipients is significantly lower in patients with a history of CMV infection compared to those without. In the absence of an...

Keywords: Cytomegalovirus; liver transplantation; Herpesviridae family; Solid organ transplantation

Published: 2021-07-20

The Effect of Weed Burning as a Mechanical Method in Controlling Rodents in Maize Fields

This study was carried out to effect of weed burning as a mechanical method in controlling rodents in maize fields of Al-Dahsa village in Farshout district, Qen...

Keywords: <p>Weed Burning; Mechanical Method; Food Consumption</p>

Published: 2021-07-20

Economic Losses Caused by Rodents in Some Types of Maize Fields at Farshout District, Qena Governorate, Egypt

This study was conducted to estimate the quantitative damage caused by rodent infestation to some types of maize and its financial transfer, at Al-Dahsa village...

Keywords: <p>Rodent Infestation; Financial Transfer; Type Of Maize; Ardab; Feddan </p>

Correlation between Executive Function and Manual Dexterity in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Background: The normal process of aging involves decline in cognitive and sensorimotor functions that affect performance of activities of daily living. Cogniti...

Keywords: Executive Function; Manual Dexterity; Community-Dwelling Older Adults; Trail Making Test; Stroop Test; Clock Drawing Test; Verbal Fluency Test; Digit Span Test; Purdue Pegboard Test

Published: 2021-07-15

Ocular Trauma in Indian Females

Although there is not much difference in the structure and function of male or female eye balls we do find some difference in the two sexes particularly in Indi...

Keywords: Ocular Injuries; Studies Incidence

Low Self-Awareness and Compulsion: A New Medico- Psychological Hypothesis

Low self-awareness resulting from compulsion is real problems with medical, psychological and social domains. We introduced our hypothesis that stated, “Low Se...

Keywords: Self-Awareness; Compulsion; Anti-Social Behaviors; Psychology; Sociology

Published: 2021-07-11

Planning of Cropping Patterns in Penajam Paser Utara District

The water balance analysis reveals the percentages of precipitation made up by surface flow, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and the change of soil st...

Keywords: Land Water Balance; Planting Period; Food Crops

Published: 2021-07-06

Global Warming Impacts on Agricultural Environment and on Food Production

Despite the enormous advances in our ability to manage the natural world, we have reached the 21st century in awesome ignorance of what is likely to unfold in ...

Keywords: Irrigation; Greenhouse

Published: 2021-07-01

Identification of Endothelin-1 and Nitric Oxide Expression in Artery, Brain, and Kidney Tissues after Treatment with the Biofield Energy-Based Proprietary Formulation in Unpredictable Chronic Stress (UCS)-Induced Sprague Dawley Rats

Endothelin-1 and nitric oxide (NO) activities in artery, brain, and kidney tissues were performed in the unpredictable chronic stress (UCS) rat’s model for the...

Keywords: Biofield Treatment, Endothelin-1; Nitric Oxide; Artery; The Trivedi Effect®; Unpredictable Chronic Stress; ELISA

Published: 2021-07-01

Investigation of Cardiac Biomarkers in Aorta after Treatment with the Biofield Energy Treated Proprietary Test Formulation on L-NAME and High Fat Diet-Induced Cardiovascular Disorders in Sprague Dawley Rats

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Biofield Energy Treated/Blessed Proprietary Test Formulation and Biofield Energy Treatment/Blessing per se ...

Keywords: Biofield Treatment; The Trivedi Effect®; High Fat Diet; Cardiovascular Disorders; iNOS; Angiotensin-II; Aorta; C-reactive protein; Troponin-I; Na+ /K+ -ATPase

Published: 2021-06-30

Effect of Blended Fertilizer (NPS) on Yield and Yield Component of Soybean (Glycine Max L.)

Soybean (Glycine max L) is among the most important legume crops produced in Ethiopia. However, declining soil fertility and poor soil fertility management prac...

Keywords: <p>Sulfur; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Yield; Blended Fertilizer</p>

Published: 2021-06-30

Review Pepper on Major Causes and Impacts of Land Degradation

Land degradation is the effect of different interaction among, physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic activities at global level. It affects country ...

Keywords: <p>Agricultural Impacts; Poor Managements; Urbanization </p>

Published: 2021-06-29

The Effect of Stiffness of Impression Materials and Flexibility of Trays on the Casting Accuracy (An In-Vitro Study)

Purpose: Study the effect of using two impression materials of different stiffness with three impression trays of different flexibility on the casting accuracy...

Keywords: Elastomers; Dual-arch trays; Marginal gap

Published: 2021-06-29

Importance of Research Bioethics

Ethics is crucial in profession. The importance of ethics and ethical conduct clearly recognizes your position as a professional. A stable ethical footing lea...

Keywords: Research Bioethics

Published: 2021-06-25

Heavy Metal Bioremediation and Metallo Bacterias - A Review

Heavy metals pollution of the soils is the most challenging problem for the different ecological and environmental conditions. All the biological and organic co...

Keywords: Bioremediation; Heavy Metals; Microbes; Ex-situ; In-situ; Bioremediation Strategies

Published: 2021-06-22

Trend in World Poverty

World data related to poverty in time series are studied, analyzed and some statistical models are developed using SPSS and Excel software. Based on the models...

Keywords: Trend; Global Poverty; Statistical Models; Extreme Poverty; Poverty Intensity; Illiteracy; Undernourishment; Morality; Unsafe Water; Unsafe Sanitation; Track of receding

Published: 2021-06-22

Determinants of Rice Production in Hydro-Agricultural Layout in Niger

Rice production in Niger is characterized by low productivity gains combined with poor accessibility to mineral fertilizers, despite their important contributio...

Keywords: <p>Production; Productivity; Mineral Fertilizers; Area; Rice</p>

Published: 2021-06-22

Late Extrusion of Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segment into the Anterior Chamber: Case Report

Introduction: This report describes the extrusion of an intrastromal segment into the anterior chamber To our knowledge anterior chamber extrusion is more frequ...

Keywords: Intrastromal Segment; Anterior Chamber; Ectasia; Keratoconus; Ferrara

Published: 2021-06-18

Effects of Probiotics Isolated from Nigerian Indigenous Fermented Foods on Albino Wistar Rats

Fermented foods have been the major carrier of probiotics. The fermentation process of foods is made possible by microorganisms. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria...

Keywords: Fermented foods; Probiotics; Albino Wistar rats; Biomarkers; Health benefits

Published: 2021-06-18

A Study on the Severity and Outcome of Covid-19 in Obese Patients

Background: The COVID‐19 pandemic is rapidly spreading worldwide, notably in India, Europe and North America where obesity is highly prevalent. Obesity has prev...

Keywords: <p>Obesity; Diabetes; Duration of Stay; Oxygen Requirement</p>

Published: 2021-06-18

Stigma – Mouthpiece of Humans

Most of us would have come across situations where people saying like, do not go with him he was in jail, do not mingle with her she ran away with some other ...

Keywords: Mouthpiece; Stigma

Published: 2021-06-17

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Covid-19 Outbreak among Residents of Ado-Odo, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by Coronavirus 2 of Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) is one of the major pathogens that primarily target the...

Keywords: <p>Coronavirus Disease; Infection; Prevention; Knowledge; Attitudes; Practices</p>

Published: 2021-06-17

Effects of Air Pollutants on Plants

Many anthropogenic reasons have triggered air pollution, which is growing rapidly at a global scale in the recent Anthropoceneera of rapid industrialization and...

Keywords: Air Pollution; Pollutants; Respiration; Morphology; Water Balance

Published: 2021-06-16

Pituatory Tumor Mimicking Retrobulbar Neuritis

A twenty nine year old male presented with a history of diminition of vision in the left eye for four months. There were no other symptoms. Magnetic Resonance ...

Keywords: Intracranial; Tumor; Loss of Vision

Published: 2021-06-15

A Review on Carbon Dots for Cancer Drug Delivery

Carbon dots are given attention nowadays in various fields such as nanobiotechnology, nanomedicine, pharmaceutics and so on because of its submicron size and b...

Keywords: Carbon Dots; Drug Delivery; Cancer