Changing lifestyle and dietary patterns, constraint due to COVID-19 pandemic have shifted life to more home confined with restricted mobility, which could contribute to an increase in the burden of neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson’s Disease (PD). This neurodegenerative disease, which stood second among brain disorders, is rapidly affecting the geriatric population. There are reports on accelerating the early onset of this disease. As the disease advances, the symptoms become more difficult to control and deteriorate, having an impact not only on the quality of patient’s life but also on that of their family and caregivers. Therefore, society has a pressing need to be aware of other factors like oxidative stress (OS) and inflammation that may be influencing the disease’s development and detecting the disease in its prodromal stage. Chronic psychological stress acts like a roller-coaster in the body and alter the balance of oxidants/antioxidants leading to oxidative stress followed by inflammation. Other two lifestyle conditions, Insulin resistance (IR) and a Vitamin D Deficiency D(VDD) are also contributing to the enhancement of neurodegeneration. Insight molecular mechanisms of PD are intertwined with epigenetic factors like IR-T2DM, VDD, obesity, OS, and inflammation that lead to the death of DA neurons and disease onset. As the said altered health profiles are reversible and with due attention can be reverted or to some extent be arrested, the progressive neurodegenerative disease like PD can be prevented or slowed down by taking early preventive measures.
Parkinson’s Disease; Insulin Resistance; IGF1; Oxidative Stress; Inflammation; Vit D Deficiency