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Published: 2024-06-21

The Study on Job Satisfaction Levels among Young and Older Adults in India during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Amidst the unprecedented challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, this study delves into the realm of job satisfaction among IT professionals and teac...

Keywords: Job Satisfaction; Younger Adults; IT Professionals; Teachers; COVID-19 Pandemic

Biotechnological Intervention in Changing Climate for Propagation of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants in Gorakhpur Division

Climate change has become increasingly recognized as one of the greatest challenges to humankind and all other life on Earth. The negative impacts of climate c...

Keywords: Secondary Metabolites; Tissue Culture; Conservation; Metabolomics

Published: 2024-06-20

Double Crush Syndrome: Are we Still Reinventing the Wheel

Double Crush Syndrome refers to the coexistence of a proximal and a distal compressive lesion along the course of a nerve whereby the proximal compression make...

Keywords: Clinical Syndrome; Subclinical Compression; Distal Segment; Algorithmic Manner

Published: 2024-06-20

Digital Dentistry: Revolutionizing Dentistry with CAD/CAM Technology

CAD/CAM systems revolutionize dentistry by digitally designing prosthetic structures on a computer and then fabricating them with milling machines. Over the pa...

Keywords: CAD/CAM Technology; CAD/CAM System Types; CEREC; Metal Free; Zicronium

Published: 2024-06-20

Smart Materials in Prosthodontics

Last few decades have seen emergence of newer dental materials with enhanced biological properties. Search for an ideal restorative material leads to the disco...

Keywords: Smart Materials; Prosthodontics; Impression Materials; Ceramics; Implants

Published: 2024-06-20

Midline Diastema Closure in a Single Visit: Case Repot

Diastema, which refers to the space between two teeth, can occur for a variety of reasons and is common in the front part of the upper jaw. Diastemas with seve...

Keywords: Aesthetic Dentistry; Midline Diastema; Prepless Restoration

Published: 2024-06-20

Lingual Orthodontics: A Narrative Review

Lingual orthodontics is a specialist area of orthodontics that uses braces that are bonded to the back (lingual) surface of the teeth. It is also referred to a...

Keywords: Invisible Braces; Lingual Braces; Orthodontic Treatment; Teeth Alignment

Idiopathic Calcinosis Cutis Universalis: A Rare Case Presentation

Calcinosis cutis is a rare disorder marked by the gradual accumulation of hydroxyapatite crystals in the skin across different body regions. The condition is ca...

Keywords: Calcinosis Cutis Universalis; Idiopathic; Diltiazem

Published: 2024-06-19

Constraints Faced by Respondents with the Adoption of Different Methods of Paddy Cultivation during Covid-19 in Punjab

Every sector had significant problems as a result of COVID-19, including the agriculture sector. Punjab had also witnessed some problems faced by farmers in ad...

Keywords: Constraints; Covid-19; Paddy Sowing Techniques

Published: 2024-06-18

The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Diabetes Mellitus Outcomes

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. It is a major public health concern, affecting mil...

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; Social Determinants of Health; Health Outcomes; Health Disparities

Published: 2024-06-18

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation through Literature: Harnessing Narrative Exposure Therapy for Trauma Recovery

This article explores the integration of literature into neuropsychological rehabilitation, focusing on narrative exposure therapy (NET) and its efficacy in tr...

Keywords: Narrative Exposure Therapy; Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; Neuroplasticity; Cognitive Therapy; Literary Engagement

Published: 2024-06-17

Dancing Posterior Synechiae

We report the case of a 37 years old immune compromised HIV1 patient who developed a tubercular granulomatous anterior unilateral uveitis. He has significant po...

Published: 2024-06-17

SMARCB1 (INI-1) - Deficient Sinonasal Carcinoma: Case Report

SMARCB1 (INI-1) are rare and locally aggressive group of sinonasal tract malignancy. Less than 200 cases have been reported in the literature. Presentation of t...

Keywords: Sinonasal Mass; SMARCB1; INI-Deficient Tumours; Nasal Cavity Malignancy; Sinonasal Tract Malignancy; Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma; Malignancy; INI-1 Deficient

Rehumanizing Education: Embracing the Human Touch

The landscape of education has been constantly evolving. The ever-changing world, especially highlighted by the challenges brought to the front during the COVID...

Keywords: Education; Human; Values; Technology; Rehumanizing

Published: 2024-06-14

Study on Potential Zooplankton Composition and Seasonal Occurrence in Relation to Physico-Chemical Properties in Upper Manair Reservoir in Telangana State

This paper deals with the analysis of zooplankton community and assessment of water quality of Upper Manair Reservoir of Telangana State. The studies were carr...

Keywords: Zooplanktons; Water Quality Parameters; Seasonal Variation; Zooplankton Abundance; Dissolved Oxygen

Published: 2024-06-13

Emotional Intelligence and Career Decision Making in Adolescent Students

The present study was carried out to compare emotional intelligence and career decision making in adolescent students. Cross sectional comparative design was us...

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Career Decision Making; Adolescent Students

Published: 2024-06-12

Spontaneous Rupture of Gravid Uterus - A Case Report

Background: Rupture of gravid uterus is one of the life-threatening obstetric emergencies. Uterine rupture, whether natural or caused by trauma, can result in ...

Keywords: Maternal Mortality; Uterine Rupture; Unsafe Abortion; Spontaneous Abortion

Individual Behavioral Patterns and Implicit Theories of Personality

The unique personalities of individuals influence how they react to challenges. A person’s belief system affects how they behave. People’s views of setbacks var...

Keywords: Behavioral Pattern; Growth Mindset; Resilient; Implicit Theories

Published: 2024-06-11

Childhood Trauma and Self-Identity in Adulthood

This study examines the commonly recognised childhood trauma that can have a significant and enduring effect on a person’s cognitive and psychological health. T...

Keywords: Cognitive Flexibility; Childhood Trauma; Attachments; Therapy

Comparative Study to Assess Effectiveness of Local Corticosteroid Injection Therapy V/S Low Intensity Ultrasound Therapy in Treating Refractory Lateral Epicondylitis

Introduction: Although the name “tennis elbow” is widely used (albeit informally), the ailment is not limited to tennis players. It usually manifests between t...

Keywords: Tennis Elbow; Lateral Epicondylitis; Corticosteroids; LIUST; VAS Score; PRTEE Score

Prioritising Communication and Specific Role Allocation in a Protocolised Approach to Massive Blood Transfusion

Massive blood transfusion serves to prevent fatal outcomes from critical cellular hypoperfusion in a patient with uncontrolled haemorrhage. By developing and i...

Keywords: Massive Blood Transfusion Protocol; Non Technical Skills; Multidisciplinary; Role Allocation; Blood Bank

Published: 2024-06-10

To Study the Clinical Correlation between Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) and Deficiency of Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D3

Background: The prevalence of CIPN has been estimated to be 68.1% in the 1st month after administration of platinum (oxaliplatin/ carboplatin) or taxane based ...

Keywords: CIPN symptoms in Cancer; Gabapentin Alone; Vitamin D3; Vitamin B12; Antineoplastic Agents

Dengue-Induced Mucormycosis? Metamorphosis in the COVID-19 Age

Dengue-Induced Mucormycosis: Metamorphosis in the COVID-19 Age. COVID-induced immunosuppression resulted in an unprecedented outbreak of mucormycosis, a grave ...

Keywords: Dengue Virus; Mucormycosis; Fungi

Published: 2024-06-10

Molecular Validation of Anna Bedhi Chenduram Effect on Hematopoiesis Using CD 34 Positive Hematopoietic Cell Expression

The drug Anna bedhi Chenduram (ABC) is commonly used for prescribing in anaemia and its activity is unexplored on target cells10. The scientific validation of ...

Keywords: Effect of Anna Bedi Chenduram; Bone Marrow Stem Cells; Culture; Analysis

Published: 2024-06-10

Formulation and Evaluation of Nanoemulsion based Transdermal Patch for Acyclovir

The effectiveness of Acyclovir ointment in treating herpes simplex virus infections can be limited by its moderate efficacy, particularly in severe cases. This...

Keywords: Acyclovir; Herpes; Transdermal Patch; Nanoemulsion

Published: 2024-06-10

atd Angle & Gastric Cancer

Among several dermatoglyphic traits, the atd angle has often been used as a prognostic tool for genetic and non-communicable diseases. Gastric cancer is the fou...

Keywords: Dermatoglyphics; atd Angle; Gastric Cancer

Published: 2024-06-06

Antidiabetic Effect of Bael Aegle Marmelos Correa Family Rutaceae

Natural remedies have played a pivotal role in human healthcare since time immemorial and continue to be part of the treatment of various diseases. Bael (Aegle ...

Keywords: Aegle Marmelos Correa; HOMA-IR; Antidiabetic; Super Oxide Dismutase

Published: 2024-06-06

Antisocial Personality Disorders: The Heart of Serial Killing in Modern Scenario-Role of Socio Cultural Influences

Antisocial Personality Disorders (ASPD) are the core of serial killers. Such individuals often manipulate others for personal gain, lack empathy, and seldom fe...

Keywords: ASPD; Serial Killing; Socio-Cultural Influences