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Published: 2024-08-23

Correlation and Path Analysis Studies among Growth and Yield Contributing Parameters of Different Varieties of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.)

The field investigation was carried out at Chilli and Vegetable Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra (India) during rabi...

Keywords: Radish; Correlation; Path Analysis; Variety; Quality; Yield

Published: 2024-08-23

The Influence of Neurophysiology on Addiction: Insights from Reward Circuitry and Dopaminergic Pathways

Addiction, a multifaceted disorder, poses significant challenges to public health worldwide. This mini review explores the neurophysiological underpinnings of ...

Keywords: Addiction; Neurophysiology; Reward Circuitry; Dopaminergic Pathways; Neurotransmitters; Neuroimaging; Pharmacological Interventions; Personalized Treatment; Public Health Policies

Published: 2024-08-23

The Role of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Post Stroke Aphasia - A Narrative Review

Introduction: Post-stroke aphasia is a prevalent and debilitating condition. Studies indicate that at least 1 in 5 stroke patients experience long-term effects ...

Keywords: Post-Stroke Aphasia; Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation; Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Published: 2024-08-23

A Houdini Act by Parathyroid Adenoma

Surgical parathyroidectomy is the only recommended treatment for primary hyperparathyroidism. Sestamibi scan is the most widely accepted and commonly used tech...

Keywords: Parathyroid Adenoma; Sestamibi Scan; Hypercalcemia; SPECT CT

Published: 2024-08-21

Prevalence of Smokeless Tobacco use among School Children in Selected Schools of Mizoram

Background: There is a dearth of research in our nation on the prevalence, initiation, and use of smokeless tobacco among kids. The people who use tobacco prod...

Keywords: Prevalence; Smokeless Tobacco use; School Children

Published: 2024-08-19

Radiation-Based Techniques in Forensic Analysis: A Comprehensive Overview

Forensic science employs various scientific techniques to analyze evidence essential for crime resolution, with radiation-based methods particularly crucial. T...

Keywords: Elemental Analysis; Non-Destructive Testing; Nuclear Forensics; Radiation-Based Techniques; Trace Evidence

Published: 2024-08-16

New Frontiers in Tech-Driven Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease Treatment

The increasing prevalence of obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD) necessitates the development of novel treatment approaches to adequately tackle these urge...

Keywords: Obesity; CVD; Digital Health; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning

Published: 2024-08-15

Corona Virus (Covid-19) Antidote and Role of Nanotechnology with Pollution in The Environment

The coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19), which started in late 2019, was found to be caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The samples collected were from three...

Keywords: COVID-19; Coronavirus; Health Indicators; Convalescent Plasma; Antibodies; Blood Plasma; Covid Survivors, Isolation; Testing; Antidote; Nanotechnology Materials; Vaccine Development and Pollution Levels (Air, Water...

Published: 2024-08-15

Tackling Intensified Climatic Civil and Meteorological Aviation Weather Challenges Through Technology Transmission (Tacmwct3) Formula

The purely research-based paper will be discussed with the forthcoming natural and manmade catastrophic events and activities. One day which may affect our Natu...

Keywords: Bioremediation and Biodegradation Procedures; Cleaner/Greener Environmental and Civil Engineering Technologies; Climate-Friendly Technologies, Meteorological Climatic Aviation Conditions/ Weather Meteorological Challenges/ Events; Environmental Sustainability Enhancements; Environmental Pollution Management Practices; Engineering-Life Cycle

Published: 2024-08-15

Lifestyle Modification- Most Evidenced Based and Most Neglected Subject

As per IDF Atlas 2021 factsheets, the numbers of Diabetes mellitus (DM) in the south-east Asian region are 90 million and it is expected to grow to 152 millio...

Keywords: Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP); Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS)

Published: 2024-08-14

A Study to Asess the Knowledge and Attitude on Covid- 19 Vaccination among Adults of Selected Urban Slums and Urban Non- Slums Areas of Siddhpur City

A study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude on covid- 19 vaccination among adults of selected urban slums and urban non- slums areas of siddhpur...

Keywords: Assess; Knowledge; attitude; Working Adults; Covid-19 vaccination

Published: 2024-08-14

The Role of Self-Esteem on the Perceptions on Collaborative Capacity among Healthcare Workers Federal University Teaching Hospital in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, South-East, Nigeria

This study examined the role of Self-esteem on the perceptions on collaborative capacity among healthcare workers Federal University Teaching Hospital in Abakal...

Keywords: Collaborative Capacity; Healthcare Workers; Clinicians

Published: 2024-08-14

Test Anxiety and Resilience among Engineering Students

The purpose of the study was to find out test anxiety and resilience among engineering students. The study was conducted on 280 participants. The sample was col...

Keywords: Test Anxiety; Resilience; Engineering Students

Published: 2024-08-13

Socio-Demographic and Treatment Profile of Diabetes Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi: A Descriptive Analysis

Background: About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, the majority living in low-and middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attrib...

Keywords: Non Communicable Diseases; Type 2 Diabetes; Demography; Diabetes Care

Published: 2024-08-12

Tangled Tales of Twin Tumors: Harmonizing Salivary Gland Mysteries

Introduction: Synchronous parotid tumors with different histological types account for less than 5% of all salivary gland tumors and the most common combination...

Keywords: Warthin Tumor; Parotidectomy; Oncocytic Cells

Published: 2024-08-12

Non-Invasive Fusarial Sinusitis in a Covid 19 Patient with an Immunocompromised Status: A Very Rare Case

Rhinosinusitis (RS) is one of the most common health care problems emerging across the globe approximately 20% of people experience this disease in their life. ...

Keywords: Rhinosinusitis; Immunocompromised; Fusarial Sinusitis; Covid 19

Published: 2024-08-12

The Study of Evaluation of Changes in Corneal Densitometry & its Effect on Visual Outcome in Patients of Keratoconus Treated with Isotonic Collagen Cross Linking Therapy in Western Part of India

Purpose: To evaluate the changes in preoperative and postoperative corneal densitometry and its impact on visual outcomes in keratoconus patients undergoing iso...

Keywords: Keratoconus; Densitometry; Pachymetry

Published: 2024-08-12

A Study to Assess Factors Associated with Urinary Catheterization Practice among Nurses in Three Tertiary Hospitals of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Background: Urinary catheterization is a procedure used to drain the bladder and collect urine, through a flexible tube called a catheter. Poor urinary cathete...

Keywords: Ethiopia; Malpractice; Nursing; Urinary Catheterization

Published: 2024-08-12

Exploration of the Relationship between Psychological Well-Being and Organizational Commitment among Information Technology Employees

The present study explores the relationship between psychological well-being and organizational commitment among employees who work in the information technolog...

Keywords: Psychological Well-Being; Organizational Commitment; Relationship Status; Promotion Status; Working Experience; IT Employees

Role of Agroforestry in Diversification and Livelihood Security

The process of growing big trees along with shrubs, crops and livestock is called Agroforestry. It is a botanical term that signifies a practice where a vast ...

Keywords: Agroforestry; Diversification

Published: 2024-08-12

Efficacy of Cryosurgery in the Treatment of Mucocele due to Oral Extravasation in Adult Patients

Introduction: Nowadays, new non-invasive treatment alternatives are used to remove oral mucocele, resulting in cryosurgery as a therapeutic procedure that uses...

Keywords: Cryosurgery; Oral Mucosa; Mucocele due to Extravasation; Re-epitelizacion

Published: 2024-08-12

The Spectrum of Different Types of Hemoglobinopathies and its Distribution in Various Communities Attending the Pathology Department of a District Hospital- a Study Based on HPLC Done on Tribal and Non-Tribal Patients

Aim: Hemoglobinopathies are a group of disorders caused by the presence of variant hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Although over 700 structural hemoglobin v...

Keywords: HbS; HbC; HbE; Tribal population

Cross-Sectional Study of Vitamin D Deficiency in Western Uttar Pradesh

This cross-sectional study examines the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among a diverse population in Western Uttar Pradesh, India. Blood samples from parti...

Keywords: Vitamin D Deficiency; Western UP

Published: 2024-08-09

Primary Breast Lymphoma: Tissue is the Issue-A Report of Two Cases

Primary lymphomas of the breast are quite uncommon and thus pose significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. They are often mistaken for carcinoma breast....

Keywords: Primary Breast Lymphoma; Biopsy of a Breast Lump; Nonsurgical Management of Breast Lump

Published: 2024-08-09

Assessment of Complementary Feeding Knowledge, Practice and Habit among Mothers of Infant and Young Child Aged (6-24 Months) in Kinondoni Municipality

Background and Objective: Inappropriate complementary feeding are a major cause of child malnutrition and death. Progress on complementary feeding has not been ...

Keywords: Complementary Feeding; Knowledge; Practice; Habit; Mothers; Kinondoni and Infant and Young Child

Published: 2024-08-09

A Pilot Study: Exploring feasibility and Efficacy of Online Administration of Brain Function Therapy Program in Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Objective: To determine the efficacy of Brain Function Therapy Program (BFT), a computerized online brain stimulation activity for improving attention, cognitiv...

Keywords: Brain Function Therapy Program; Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder; Cognitive Proficiency; Behavior Regulation; Inattention; Feasibility; Efficacy

Dreams as Portals to Matching Realities: Exploring the Psychological and Philosophical Magnitude of an Special Consciousness

This study’s purpose is to understand and construe human dreaming at diverse ages, as well as its influence on psychological and social behavior, and to researc...

Keywords: Consciousness; Reality; Other Reality; Dreams

Published: 2024-08-08

Trends in Arrivals and Prices of Chilli in APMC, Nandurbar District of Maharashtra

The present study was conducted to access the trends in arrivals and prices of chilli in APMC, Nandurbar. The trends in arrival and prices of chilli were worke...

Keywords: Trends; CGR; Arrivals; Prices; APMC (Agricultural Produce Market Committee)