Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal ISSN: 2640-6659
Review Article
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Pharmaceutical Sciences
Published: 2025-02-28


The field of drug science is rapidly expanding, thanks to new methodologies that are transforming medicine research, manufacture, and personalized therapy. Researchers may now more efficiently identify potential treatment concepts, change clinical trial methodology, and optimize manufacturing techniques by applying thoroughly evaluation of information and predictive modeling. These innovations assist simplify drug development by improving target selection and quickening the process of lead discovery, eventually saving both time and costs. Clinical trials have also gotten more efficient with enhanced ways for assessing data, ensuring patient adherence, and boosting recruiting efforts. Current pharmaceutical manufacturing efforts increase manufacturing quality and affordability by enhancing formulation design, identifying possible issues, and streamlining overall workflow. Improved supply chain management tactics also aid in demand forecasting, locating counterfeit pharmaceuticals, and guaranteeing the prescriptions are delivered on time. The rising emphasis on personalized health care enables medications to be tailored to individual characteristics such as their genetic makeup and medical history, resulting in better patient outcomes. Enhanced surveillance systems also play an important role in early detection of adverse pharmaceutical reactions, allowing for improved drug surveillance and patient safety. While these improvements offer considerable potential, their successful application involves addressing challenges like as data privacy, ethical openness, and developing legal frameworks. By overcoming these difficulties, the pharmaceutical business continues to evolve toward a future that is more inventive, efficient, and patient-centric.


Drug Development; Precision Medicine; Predictive Models; Pharmaceutical Business AI; Artificial Intelligence