As a gynecologist one meets different types of conditions involving the uterus and adnexa. Ovarian cysts are an important category by themselves. On a casual ultrasound any cystic mass in the region of the adnexa may be termed an ovarian cyst. But this is not so. Pseudo aneurysm of the major vessels in this reason and the uterine artery in particular can be difficult to diagnose. This particular case was exciting to work with. Not only are pseudo aneurysms rare, the National institute of health, {NIH} has given the statistics of 2-3 per thousand deliveries. Their diagnosis may not be picked up on a routine ultrasound. Confirmation may require a Doppler study, or better seen with contrast enhanced computed tomography Treatment of condition can also be a challenge. Where in days gone by total hysterectomy was treatment of choice, now angiogram of concerned vessels done followed by embolization of the pseudoaneursym. this procedure is less radical and will preserve fertility of mother.
Uterus; Adnexa; Tomography; Hysterectomy; Pseudoaneursym