Aspergillus fumigatus, a medically important fungus is delineated as the cause of primary cutaneous aspergillois in a 34-year-oldimmunocompetent person who got minor trauma while cleaning the cage of poultry. The diagnosis was confirmed both by directmicroscopy as well as by cultural isolation of pathogen from the skin biopsy of the patient. Thin, septate hyphae with acute anglebranching were demonstrated in the clinical specimen by potassium hydroxide technique. The smoky green coloured colonies ofA.fumigatus were obtained in pure culture from the biopsied tissue on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and Palsunflower seed medium. The examination of isolate in Narayan stain showed typical condiophores, uniseriate phialides and bluegreen coloured conidia. The epidemiological investigation confirmed the presence of A.fumigatus in the immediate environmentof the patient. Itraconazole, an antifungal drug, was given orally for 12 weeks, and the patient showed good clinical response.Immediate attention to traumatic injury to the skin is very essential to avert the adverse outcomes.
Aspergillus Fumigatus; Cutaneous Lesion; Itraconazole; Immunocompetent; Narayan Stain; Soil; Traumatic Injury