Background: Anatomically, cheek dimples are thought to be caused by a double or bifid zygomaticus major muscle, whose fascial strands insert into the dermis and cause a dermal tethering effect. The different types of face dimples are Fovea Buccalis- Dimple on cheeks and Fovea Mentalis-Dimple on the chin. The other types of dimples are Fossa Supraspinous-Dimple on the shoulder, Elbow dimples, Fossae Lumbales Laterale-Dimple on the back. The occurrence of dimples on the face is an autosomal dominant trait. Cheek dimples are believed to occur on chromosome 16, whereas cleft chin dimples occur on chromosome 5.
Introduction: Cheek dimples are usually considered as an attractive feature of facial beauty. Literature on dimple creation surgery (dimpleplasty) is sparse.So this study was conducted to find out the Anatomical Basis of Dimple on Face. It was done by Miss. Tanya Mahajan, 2019 Batch M.B.B.S. student during her electives posting in Department of Anatomy, JNUIMSRC, Jaipur, and Rajasthan under the guidance of senior faculty. Aims and Objectives: To explore the Anatomical basis of dimples on face especially cheek dimples
Materials and Methods: After taking written informed consent, 150 students’ (1st year M.B.B.S, Batch 2022) faces were screened for any dimples on cheek. This study was conducted at Jaipur National University, Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Institutional Ethical Committee Permission is not needed as the present study is just a Observational study. By observing various beautiful faces of girls and boys, observations and conclusions were made.
Observations and Results: Beauty lies in the Eyes of Beholder.
Cheek Dimples; Zygomaticus Major Muscle; Autosomal Dominant Trait; Dimpleplasty