The efficacy of synergistic of Solenostemon monstachyus and Ocimum gratissimum for the management of type -2 - diabetes using Zebra fish was investigated. The plants were dried at room temperature, grounded and the powder pooled together, homogenized and extracted for 7 hours using the Soxhlet apparatus. A total of 75 zebra fish were used and were divided into five groups of five juveniles per test concentration in three replicates. Group A was given de-chlorinated water; B was treated with 0.25mg/L diazinon only while other groups were exposed to the same concentration as in group B, but with different concentrations of the plant’s extract. Group C, D and E received 250, 500, and 750mg/L respectively. Water quality parameters and blood chemistry were estimated in the experimental and control fish on day 7, 14, 21 and 28th. All the blood parameters were significantly (𝑃< 0.05) affected by diazinon when compared with the control. But were reversible in the plants extract mixture treated fish and were dose and time dependent reduction, even less than the control group. This finding had shown the efficacy of these plants’ extract and the use of zebra fish as toxicological tool. Thus, thorough study of these plants mixture is indispensable, so as to find a lasting solution to the ailment that has been given people a nightmare.
Solenostemon monstachyus; Ocimum gratissimu; Mixture; Diazinon; Zebra fish; Human